David Jacho-Chavez
K.P. Huynh
Abstract readability: Evidence from top-5 economics journals
We didn't start the fire: Effects of a natural disaster on consumers' financial distress
Estimating Social Effects in a Multilayered Linear-in-Means Model with Network Data
Data Science in Stata 16: Frames, Lasso, and Python Integration
Econometrics Pedagogy and Cloud Computing: Training the Next Generation of Economists and Data Scientists
Survival analysis of bank note circulation: Fitness, network structure, and machine learning
Productivity and Reallocation: Evidence from Ecuadorian Firm-Level Data
The econometrics of complex survey data: Theory and applications
Using nonparametric copulas to measure crude oil price co-movements
Flexible estimation of demand systems: A copula approach
On the evolution of the United Kingdom price distributions
Income and democracy: A smooth varying coefficient redux
Analysing labour productivity in Ecuador
Flexible Estimation of Copulas: An Application to the US Housing Crisis
The evolution of firm-level distributions for Ukrainian manufacturing firms
A nonparametric analysis of firm size, leverage and labour productivity distribution dynamics
The distributional efficacy of collaborative learning on student outcomes
Crs: A package for nonparametric spline estimation in R
Functionals of order statistics and their multivariate concomitants with application to semiparametric estimation by nearest neighbours
Average derivative estimation with missing responses
Functional principal component analysis of density families with categorical and continuous data on Canadian entrant manufacturing firms
Nonlinear difference-indifference treatment effect estimation: A distributional analysis
npRmpi: A package for parallel distributed kernel estimation in R
Firm size distributions through the lens of functional principal components analysis
The efficacy of collaborative learning recitation sessions on student outcomes
A nonparametric quantile analysis of growth and governance
Growth and governance: A nonparametric analysis
Internally-corrected conditional density estimation
Conditional density estimation: An application to the Ecuadorian manufacturing sector